Piku Biodiversity Network

Knowledge Generation

Piku Biodiversity Network: Bridging Science and Tradition for a Sustainable Future

The Piku Biodiversity Network recognizes the vital role of knowledge generation in protecting the Kikori River Delta’s rich biodiversity. We believe in a collaborative approach that integrates scientific research with the wisdom of traditional ecological knowledge (TEK) held by local communities. This fusion of knowledge systems allows us to generate information that is not only scientifically sound but also deeply relevant and useful for the people who depend on this precious ecosystem.

Safeguarding the Intersection of Science and Tradition:

At Piku Biodiversity Network, we are committed to responsible scientific research practices. We ensure that all research activities are conducted ethically and with the full understanding and consent of local communities. We recognize the irreplaceable value of TEK, which has been passed down through generations and offers a unique perspective on the Delta’s ecology. Our approach strives to create a safe space where scientific inquiry can learn from and build upon this traditional knowledge.

Knowledge for Empowerment:

One of our core objectives in knowledge generation is to empower local communities by fostering their participation in research activities. This includes involving community members in data collection, field observations, and discussions. By actively engaging with research, communities gain a deeper understanding of the scientific method and can contribute valuable insights based on their lived experiences.

This participatory approach empowers communities to make informed decisions about their environment and natural resources. The knowledge generated through research, combined with TEK, equips them to advocate for sustainable practices and contribute to effective conservation strategies.

Benefits for All:

Piku Biodiversity Network’s knowledge generation activities extend beyond empowering local communities. The information we gather is also disseminated to partners and stakeholders, including government agencies, NGOs, and the wider scientific community. This knowledge sharing allows for collaborative decision-making on a broader scale, ensuring that policies and actions to protect the Delta are based on the best available scientific evidence and grounded in the realities of local communities.

Building a Sustainable Future:

Our dedication to knowledge generation goes beyond simply collecting data. We aim to translate scientific findings into actionable information that can be used to improve the well-being of both the Kikori River Delta and its people. By bridging the gap between science and tradition, Piku Biodiversity Network strives to create a future where sustainable practices ensure the continued health of the ecosystem and secure the livelihoods of generations to come.